Doncs això, 12 d'octubre res a celebrar. 500 anys de tortures, d'explotació i expoli als països de Sudamerica. RES A CELEBRAR
Doncs això, 12 d'octubre res a celebrar. 500 anys de tortures, d'explotació i expoli als països de Sudamerica. RES A CELEBRAR
Estic seguint el joc a un estafador que em vol comprar un producte que he posat a vendre de segona mà i em dóna més diners que el què val de nou!!!
Primer email que ell m'envia:
Your CAMERA on is adourable and with good specifications for my nephew's anniversary due soon. I'd love to know the current condition of the Item. I am ready to make payment for the item immediately with an offer of €300 for each…please let me know how many Item do you have to sell. I will be making payment via my Bank Transfer (CitiBank or Essex Bank) to your Location Bank Account. Do provide your info for immediate payment:
Bank Name:
Account Name:
Account Number:
IBAN Number:
Your Full Name:
Zip Code:
Tel Number:
alongside your response to my mailbox Please provide me the cost of the shipment through UPS TO IBADAN 23402 NIGERIA.
Rodah Gammy Mrs
Jo li contesto amb totes les dades inventades, tot i que jo no venc una càmera ell diu que em compra La càmera…:
Hello, I'm really interested in your purchase, here are my info:
>Account Name: Caja de Ahorros
>Account Number: 4556709733 43 4444
>IBAN Number: DTR1253930001
>Your Full Name: Pete Kangol Carmona
>Address: c/xinxan,23 4t 2a
>City: Barcelona
>State: Catalonia
>Zip Code: 08009
>Country: SPAIN
>Tel Number: 93 4539587
I ell ja em torna a contestar per confirmar l'operació!! jajaja flipat!!!
Keep me posted immediately………
Dear Caja de Ahorros,
I agreed to make the payment of €300 today before my bank closed for today.
kindly ensure your bank info as i will be out now to my bank.
Please, please and please i will be happy to have the Kamera shipped upon my Payment Confirmation from CitiBank.
Here is the shipping address:
NAME…………gbenga segun
ADDRESS…..nw4/62b shodipo street ekotedo
STATE……….oyo state
Kindly package secure making as gift and ready to dispatch immediately you recieve my Payment Confirmation from CitiBank.
I will be happy to recieve my shipment tracking number from you,
Thanks and God blessed as you're doing so.
Rodah Gammy Mrs
I ara li diré que hem detectat que és una estafa i que el fotrema la garjola, a veure que diu!!!
Oks, we know who are you and what are you doing. Be careful, we are behind you and your buddies, we control all of your operations and we will catch you! The websites are looking for people like you, be careful.
Aneu amb compte, eh!!!