Losing Nemo

El 90% dels peixos grans han desaparegut des de 1950, el 40% de la pesca capturada es llença per inservible… i de seguir així en uns anys ens quedarem sense peixos i amb uns oceans buits de vida 🙁

Aquí totes les dades: http://www.theblackfish.org/film/facts/

The Ocean Is My Playground: Cave Diving

Filmed on the beautiful North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. When the summer is here and the ocean on the North Shore is calm, we play in the underwater caves. For the shots when we are running, we would carry rocks that were heavy enough to keep our body weight on the ocean floor. Only our lungs were used to capture the shots; no scuba gear. At Vimeo

Rutabaobab Learning around the world
Akoranga Educación, tecnología y desarollo
Crowdfunding Sherpas